Muslims in Canada Archive
We used Image technologies and developed Search and Data functionality to create the Muslims in Canada Archives for the Institute of Islamic Studies at the University of Toronto.

A participatory public archive that preserves and shares the history of Muslims in Canada through images, texts, and videos.
Project Included
We built a custom CMS for this public humanities archive project to allow users to browse the collection and view digital items.
Archivists can curate image collections using the cataloguing system, and visitors can view multiple images in a gallery format.
We built a faceted search feature that allows visitors to explore the archive with custom search and filtering capabilities.

Project Management
Working with archivists and institute staff, Performant provided agile project management to help guide design, development and content creation activities to launch the Archive in time for the Eid holiday.
Software Development
Performant developed a new flexible data management platform to accommodate the specific data model for MiCA, and to allow archivists to apply terms from an external controlled vocabulary to items in the archive.
User Experience Design
Drawing upon the archive's existing brand, Performant designed a new public interface, incorporating project history with the new archival search.
Tech Stack Used